Telephone 0268 470806

Gilgandra Museum Phone 0268 470806
- Normally open 9am to 1pm daily
- See "Welcome" page for more info
- Adults $5 children admitted free
Telephone 0268 470806
Our display of "Howard" machinery honours Arthur Clifford Howard, who built and tested his first prototypes on his father's farm in the Gilgandra Shire in 1912.
This is one of our working displays, powered by the adjacent windmill.
The man on the "Thunderbox", Gilandra's answer to the Dog on the Tuckerbox.
Preserving the past for present and future generations.
The Team
The Museum is operated entirely by volunteers, on a roster system. Our volunteers are able to help you understand the history of our town, and of the rural exhibits on display .
The Society was set up in 1967 by interested townspeople with the encouragement of our Shire Council. The first Museum was located in the current Library building, and was moved to the Heritage Centre when that was opened. The current Museum building was opened in 1997, and extended a number of times to the complex you see today.
The Society's Objects and Rules can be found as a PDF on the "Links and PDF's", page of this website
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